Saturday, July 14, 2012

Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne to Annonay: Breaking Up

Stage Twelve, from Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne to Annonay, is over. Gaius is Skyping with The VeloDrone and Le Bon David, who are now back at home.

Gaius: Hello, hello! Are you there, Vello and David? I can't see you!

The VeloDrone: You must have pressed the wrong button. Try calling again.

Gaius: Oh alright. These modern inventions! Too many buttons and not enough....oh there you are. I see you now. Can you see me? How are you David? Feeling better?

Le Bon David: Not too bad, thank you, Gaius. But I'm on lots of pills.

Gaius: Very good, very good. Lots of pills. That will fix you.

Le Bon David: That's what I'm afraid of.

The VeloDrone: How's the Tour going? We haven't seen much of you.

Gaius: I've had some bad luck. Ouvert was in my pocket for the first few stages. I had no idea.

The VeloDrone: Ouvert! I thought he was meant to be lucky.

Gaius: He's just out for himself. Even Arthur has given him up. But I'm not so sure about Sweezus.

Le Bon David: Sweezus! That young man has a sensible head on his shoulders.

The VeloDrone: Not always, David. Remember the birds.....

Le Bon David: Pecking his head? And he lost it. Hee-hee, yes.

Gaius: I think Sweezus wants Ouvert for himself. Even though Belle et Bonne taught us a new way of looking at luck. I could tell Sweezus wasn't convinced.

The VeloDrone: Keep an eye on him, Gaius.

Gaius: I can't. I don't know where he is. I don't know where Arthur is either.

The VeloDrone: But Gaius, you're the team leader.

Gaius: Sorry boys, you're breaking up......must go now....all the best....goodbye now, good bye, goodbye.........

He disappears from the screen.

Le Bon David: Most unsatisfactory.

The Velodrone: I must call Belle et Bonne

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