Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Saint Goesnou At The Airport

So what's left? asks Roo-kai.

This one, says Gaius. A list of saints. Saint Tudogilus, Saint Tudon, Saint Thudon, Saint Tugdon.

They all sound rather similar, says Mathilde.

They may have been confused, says Gaius. That's what it says here. Tudogilus, if indeed it was he, was the father of Saint Goesnou, Saint Majan, and a girl called Tudona.

Who wasn't a saint, says Bertille.

How do you know? asks Roo-kai.

It would have said so, says Bertille. I wonder what she did to deserve not to be one.

She also may be confused, says Gaius. Well Roo-kai, which paper shall we put in the printer?

The confused one, says Roo-kai.

I decide, says Terence.

May I at least present my reasons? asks Roo-kai.

Okay, says Terence.

I'm putting myself in the place of a passport inspector, says Roo-kai. A parrot presents him or her with a passport. It all looks in order. But it's a quiet day at the airport, so the passport inspector turns the passport over.

Then what? asks Terence.

One of three different scenarios, says Roo-kai. One: he or she reads that Saint Tenenan was handsome, but prayed to be ugly, and his prayer was granted when god gave him leprosy.

I see where you're going, says Gaius. It won't do to have a notifiable disease mentioned on the back of your passport.

My thoughts exactly, says Roo-kai. Two: he or she reads about Saint Malo, an uplifting story until the end, when it all falls apart. He kneels on stones and wears an itchy shirt, dies and then pouf! it might not have been him after all. The passport inspector is alerted. I might not be me either.

I see, says Gaius. Good thinking.  That leaves three, which also contains a confusion.

It does, says Roo-kai, but this paper is up-front about the confusion. He or she might appreciate that. And then there is the unsainted Tudona. 

Yes, says Mathilde, gender issues, and so on. People like those.

But to be honest, says Roo-kai, I like the name of Saint Goesnou.

You can't be Saint Goesnou, says Terence.

I don't want to be, says Roo-Kai, but I'll say he's my great great grandfather.

Whom you are researching, says Gaius. Brilliant! What do you think, Terence?

I'll decide in a minute, says Terence.

But in fact he's already decided.

1 comment:

Allan Webber said...

Logically passable for a saint.