Saturday, October 30, 2021

Spy Or Trickster

We'll be landing soon, says Delilah. 

Not before time, says Gaius.

It's been a long flight, says Delilah. 

Indeed, says Gaius.

I'd better return to my seat, says Delilah. Will you talk to your parrot?

Ask him to come over, says Gaius.

I trust he will agree, says Delilah.

She crosses the aisle and speaks to Roo-kai, who vacates his seat and crosses the aisle to sit beside Gaius.

Why is Roo-kai in my seat? asks Terence.

Gaius wants to speak to him, says Delilah.

Why? asks Terence.

About a mission, says Delilah. That's all I'm saying. 

About my parrot doing a mission? asks Terence.

Mm, says Delilah. 

Without me, says Terence.

Without you, says Delilah. Because you would blab.

I wouldn't blab, says Terence. 

All right, you wouldn't, says Delilah. But we'll never know.

If I blabbed, says Terence.

That's right, because it's top secret, says Delilah. And you know nothing about it.

Does Gaius? asks Terence.

He does now, says Delilah.

Let us now cross the aisle.

Gaius is telling Roo-kai about the mission.

A ridiculous mission, says Gaius. I hardly know how to explain it.

Try, says Roo-kai.

I have no reason to actually believe her, says Gaius.

About WHAT? asks Roo-kai.

She is an agent of the French government, says Gaius.  

Is she a spy? asks Roo-kai.

Or a trickster, says Gaius. I tend towards the latter.

What does she want? asks Roo-kai.

She wants you to spy on the submarine-building facility in Osborne, says Gaius. Take aerial photos and so on. Steal top secret papers if possible.

Why would I do that? asks Roo-kai.

In return, the French government will not pursue your extradition to Brittany, and my arrest for enabling you to leave France under false pretences, says Gaius. 

She seemed so helpful, says Roo-kai.

She did, says Gaius. Now we find ourselves in this pickle. What do you say?

I'll agree to do it, says Roo-kai. Spy or trickster, what does it matter? It's an activity.

Gaius likes Roo-kai's attitude.

He's a doer. He should get on well with Arthur. 

By the way, says Roo-kai. Terence ate the red wax off the end of his breakfast banana,

Why didn't you stop him? asks Gaius.

I was busy enjoying my omelette, says Roo-kai.

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