Wednesday, October 13, 2021

You Are Lucky

When Gaius, Terence and Roo-kai board the Etihad flight to Adelaide, Roo-kai has his own seat.

Seat 8P, says the flight attendant. It is directly across the aisle. We hope it's acceptable.

It is acceptable, says Roo-kai.

How cute, says the flight attendant. It talks. Does it read also?

No, says Terence. It doesn't.

I do, says Roo-kai. I should like a newspaper.

She hands him a newspaper. It is a Paris newspaper. And therefore in French.

Merci, says Roo-kai.

Arthur has done you proud, says Gaius, leaning across Terence, to speak to Roo-kai.

But Roo-kai is already engrossed in the paper.

The plane takes off. Rumble~~~bump >>>> bruuuum!!!!

Can I watch a movie? asks Terence.

I suppose so, says Gaius. 

Can I choose it? asks Terence.

As long as it's not R-rated, says Gaius.

What's R? asks Terence.

Restricted, says Gaius. Now please be quiet while I update my notes.

Terence chooses a movie about two girls, an armadillo and a tapir, who live in a rainforest.

Roo-kai continues to read the newspaper.

His brow knits, as he reads about the submarine debacle from the French point of view.

Scandaleux! he mutters. 

C'est vrai, says his neighbour. The Australians have stabbed the French in the back. We can no longer trust them.

Of course, I am not an Australian, says Roo-kai.

I can see that, says his neighbour. You are an oystercatcher, from Brittany.

Well spotted, says Roo-kai. Is it my accent?

It is, says the neighbour. But what is that red ring round your neck?

An attempt at a parrot disguise, says Roo-kai. I now regret it. 

Perhaps it will wash off, says the neighbour. What is it?

Red food dye, says Roo-kai.

C'est mauvais, says the neighbour. I am a pastry cook, and I know about red food dye.

It's not the crushed beetles, says Roo-kai. It's the chemical.

Alors! says the neighbour. It will wear off eventually. Are you travelling alone?

Non, says Roo-kai. I am with those two. 

He indicates Terence and Gaius.

Aah! says the neighbour. Un petit chérubin et un savant. Vous avez de la chance.

That remains to be seen, says Roo-kai.

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