Friday, October 15, 2021

The Ground Trembles

The plane lands in Dubai.

We have three hours here, says Gaius. Let's stretch our legs.

I remember this airport! says Terence. 

We were here with the Twitcher, says Gaius. And, on another occasion, we stopped here with Daniel O'Connell.

The spider! says Terence.

Indeed, says Gaius. The spider from the cave in Romania. 

Diddly-dee! says Terence.

Why did you say diddly-dee? asks Roo-kai.

Daniel O'Connell used to say it, says Terence.

He believed he was Irish, says Gaius. 

Let's go to the Zen Gardens, says Terence. I LOVE the Zen Gardens!

All right, says Gaius. We can stroll around there.

They go up the escalator, to the Zen Gardens.

There are paths, winding between ferns and trees. Ginger plants. Contemplative nooks, with seats to sit on.

Terence runs ahead, along a pathway. This is the rain forest! cries Terence. Where's the waterfall? I'm going to find Motelo Mama!

I'll go with him, says Roo-kai. 

He heads up the path behind Terence.

Gaius strolls about. The last time he was here was with Kong. Kong had been reading The Uniqueness of Consciousness.

Good old Kong. A long time since he's seen him.

Gaius sits down on a wooden bench framed by bushes, with tiny flies hovering above them.

He checks his contact list.

Kong Fu-zi.

Why not call him?

Ring ring.

Hello? Kong here.

Kong! It's Gaius. I'm in the Zen Gardens, at Dubai airport. And I thought of you. How are you?

So-so, says Kong. How about you?

Very well, says Gaius. I'm heading home to Adelaide. Then up to Queensland. Where are you?

In China, says Kong. Describe for me the Zen Gardens. 

Oh you know, says Gaius. Steamy, tiny flies. Hard seats. 

That takes me back, says Kong. I was reading The Uniqueness of Consciousness. Didn't get it. Still don't.

Ha ha, laughs Gaius. You don't have to.

I suppose not, says Kong. Are you travelling alone?

No, I'm with Terence and his new parrot, Roo-kai.

Ah, Terence! And what is he up to?

Running about looking for Motela Mama, says Gaius..

The turtle spirit of the Amazonian rainforest! says Kong. When she moves the ground trembles.

Yes that's her, says Gaius. He was watching a movie, on the flight here.

I've seen it, says Kong. Marvellous isn't it, how they do animation these days?

Yes, says Gaius. Marvellous.

A tiny fly flies up his nose.

The wooden seat trembles.

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