Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Wishing Crystal

But it isn't a horse.

What is it? asks Terence.

A triple quartz crystal, says Sweezus. 

You said a horse, says Terence.

I think you'll find I didn't, says Sweezus. It was because it wasn't a horse that you got it.

Not exactly, says Wittgenstein. There was no horse for it not to be.

That's what I meant, says Sweezus. Not a horse is the same thing as no horse. 

Not at all, says Wittgenstein. No horse means that there is no horse, not a horse means it's something other.

Like a rock, says Terence. 

In this case, says Wittgenstein.

Yeah, well do you like it? asks Sweezus.

Yes, says Terence, I do like it. Now I've got a rock and a medal.

My medal, says Roo-kai.

I know, says Terence. You can have it back when my horse comes.

Your horse isn't coming, says Sweezus.

Not yet, says Terence. When's Christmas?

Sweezus looks at the calendar app on his phone.

It doesn't matter, says Gaius. As if we could take a horse to Taree!

Yeah, says Sweezus. We can't take a horse to Taree.

There'll be horses there, says Verlaine. It's the country.

THIS is the country, says Terence.

But it's not Christmas yet, says Sweezus.

Arthur is shaking his head.

Or ever, adds Sweezus. That crystal was it.

Perhaps it will turn out to be a wishing crystal, says Verlaine. For good boys, good things happen.

Not always, says Arthur.

That was many years ago, says Verlaine. And the bullet was removed, with no adverse consequences, was it not?

Arthur says nothing. 

Perhaps not, says Verlaine.

Yay, says Terence. A wishing crystal!

Perhaps not, says Sweezus.

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