Thursday, January 26, 2023

Necessarily Together

Can I help you dig? asks the child.

There's only one spade, says Terence.

I'll use my hands, says the child.

Okay, says Terence.

We're not actually digging, we're building mountains, says Terence.

That's the opposite, says the child.

You're smart, says Terence.

They dig for a while, their two red sheep's heads necessarily together.

What's your name? asks the child.

Terence, says Terence. 

What do you look like? asks the child.

Like me, says Terence. What do you look like?

Didn't you see me before I put the head on? asks the child.

Not really, says Terence.

Want to see me? asks the child.

Okay, says Terence. Want to see me?

Yes, says the child.

They take the conjoined cardboard heads off.

You look like baby Jesus! says the child.  Except you've got a cool hairstyle.

You look like a parrot, says Terence.

I don't look like a parrot, says the child.

Maybe it's what the box did to your hair, says Terence. It's standing up like feathers.

Great! says the child, reaching up to smooth down his hair.

In the process he gets sand in his eyes, and starts crying.

His mother appears.

Oh Hedley! says the mother. What have you been doing?

She leads him away to find water and a clean towel.

Hedley, laughs Terence.

What's so funny asks Sweezus.

That kid's name was Hedley, says Terence.

So? says Sweezus, a bit slow on the uptake.

HEAD-ley, says Terence, indicating the double head of his costume.

Oh yeah, says Sweezus. Hedley.

But he still doesn't laugh.

Why was that child crying? asks Gaius, coming over.

He got sand in his eyes when I said he looked like a parrot, says Terence.

Oh, did he, says Gaius. Is he all right?

No, says Terence. His mother took him away. And his name is Hedley.

Oh ha ha! laughs Gaius. Hedley. Did you hear that, Sweezus?

Yeah, says Sweezus vaguely.

Is anything wrong? asks Gaius.

Great White Teacher's back from Mexico, says Sweezus.

How do you know? asks Gaius. Is he out there?

Yep, says Sweezus. So much for today's surfing.

Nonsense, says Gaius. This is exciting.  Lend me your board. He may have news of the megalodon. 

Sweezus perks up a bit.

The megalodon. Yeah. He had forgotten.

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