Friday, January 20, 2023

Stage 3: Norwood to Campbelltown - Corkscrew

Another good day, with regard to the weather.

Off they go, out of Norwood, 

A helicopter thrums and buzzes.

You can hardly hear what anyone is saying.

But let's try.

Simon Yates pedals by, alongside Michael Matthews

Simon Yates: Good you made up with....burble

Michael Matthews: Yeah.... burble....bum.

Simon Yates: Did you hear...burble burble...Team Condor?

Michael Matthews: Burble bumble.....

Simon Yates: So much for the Gift of Bal...burble....

Sweezus would be pleased if he heard this, although he didn't.

The race continues.

Gaius is pedalling along on his own.

He catches up with Arthur.

Small team this year, says Gaius. Just you and Sweezus

We should have recruited you, says Arthur. 

Indeed, says Gaius. Really? If only you'd said.

I just did, says Arthur.

I mean earlier, says Gaius. How far to the Corkscrew? Where's Sweezus?

Probably half way up it, says Arthur. 

Let's do it together, says Gaius. 

They pedal harder to try and catch up with Sweezus on the Corkscrew.

Woo! The Corkscrew.

But what's this?

Rohan Dennis in his ochre jersey has stopped on his way up the Corkscrew.

What's happened? calls Gaius.

Derailleur stopped working, says Rohan Dennis.

Merde! says Arthur. Bad luck. You're done.

Rohann Dennis looks dejected.

A team car rolls up with a new bike for Dennis, but it's not going to help him.

Goodbye ochre jersey.

Sweezus is going well on the Corkscrew.

He is behind Pello Bilbao, and in front of Jay Vine.

Simon Yates is beside him.

Hey, says Yatesey. I heard you lost it.

Never had it, says Sweezus. 

They reach the top of the Corkscrew, and presumably, then head back down.

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