Monday, January 23, 2023

Pulling It Off

The next day.

Vello has invited Team Philosophe and Team Condor to lunch at the Art Gallery café.

They sit out in the courtyard, under a shade

The conversation turns to future plans.

Arthur and me are going surfing, says Sweezus. 

On the weekend, I suppose you mean, says Vello.

Yeah the long weekend coming up, says Sweezus.

You do realise it's not really a long weekend, says Vello.

True, says David. It's only the Thursday.

Come on boss, says Sweezus. Everyone's taking the Friday.

Well....all right, says Vello. But I expect a reciprocal favour.

What's that? asks Sweezus.

I'm putting on a Fringe show this year, says Vello. And I'd like you to be in it.

No worries, says Sweezus. I'll be in it.

Good, says Vello.

I didn't know you were a producer, says Pierre-Louis. What's the show?

The usual, says David. We always do a scene from Candide.

Ah yes! says Gaius. Last time I played the old woman.

Most admirably, says David. She had only one buttock. Gaius, of course, has two. 

My my, how did you pull it off? asks Pierre-Louis.

Ha ha, I didn't go that far, laughs Gaius. I made use of a cushion.

I have always loved the theatre, says Pierre-Louis.

Perhaps you'd like to take a small part? suggests Vello.

Certainly, says Pierre-Louis, as long as it doesn't interfere with my writing.

Writing, what writing? asks Vello.

The article for Velosophy, says Pierre-Louis.

Surely that won't take long? says Vello.

I like to mull things over, say Pierre-Louis. What will my part be?

I haven't yet chosen the excerpt, says Vello.

Their sandwiches arrive. And their iced coffees.

Shouldn't we get round to it, says David.

How about now? says Vello, pulling a dirty old paperback copy of Candide from his pocket.

Arthur has scoffed his sandwich and is loudly slurping his iced coffee through a straw clogged with ice cream. Schluuurchch!

Drawing Vello's attention.

Arthur! says Vello. Will you do me the honour?

Of what? asks Arthur. 

Picking an excerpt, says Vello.

Arthur opens the paperback copy randomly at page 77.  

'What they saw in the country of Eldorado', says Arthur.

That will be expensive! says David. Unless Candide and Cacambo remain there.

They can't remain there, says Vello. That would miss the whole point of the chapter.

What's the problem? asks Gaius. 

A machine costing a great deal of money is required to hoist them out of the kingdom, says David

It's the theatre, says Vello. We can do it.

And two large red sheep, says David.

Terence! says Sweezus. Didn't he play the Bright Red Object a few years back?

So he did. Sorted! says Vello.

One Bright Red Object, says David. Not two.

That can be solved with a two headed costume, says Vello.

Again, expensive, says David.

Not as expensive as two entire costumes, says Gaius.

There, says Vello. Gaius is volunteering to make Terence's costume.

No I'm not, says Gaius. Belle is better at costumes. But I have an idea for the hoisting machine.

Even better, says Vello. Bring it along to our first rehearsal.

Which is when? asks Gaius. 

Thursday, says Vello.

No way, say Sweezus. We're going ....

We'll rehearse on the beach, says Vello.

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