Monday, March 7, 2011

Candide Catches Cold

The VeloDrone goes off to ride the Ferris wheel on his own. The others have decided to go and see The Boy With Tape on His Face. When they meet afterwards The VeloDrone is wet.

Belle et Bonne: Papa! You're all wet!

The VeloDrone: It began to rain while I was on that cursed Ferris wheel.

Belle et Bonne: What a shame! You should have come with us. It was fun.

The VeloDrone: But interactive, I'll be bound.

Le Bon David: Yes, yes, but in a most delightful way. In any case, we made sure to sit well back from the front and in the very middle of a row.

Marie: You would have enjoyed it. The boy had tape over his mouth, so he had to interact with the audience without speaking. He got people to do all sorts of funny things, like fighting with tape measures, and staple guns, bull fighting, pretending to be a horse, and popping balloons with drawing pin studded gloves. He even got a pretty girl to dance Swan Lake, in a tutu, and kiss someone.

Belle et Bonne; Yes, I wished I'd sat nearer the front so he might have picked me. I would have loved to dance Swan Lake and be kissed by a stranger who was handcuffed to me.

Le Bon David: Well, I was glad I didn't get picked to do anything hard. Nevertheless, we all finished up on the stage at the end, laughing and clapping and hitting red balloons into the air.

The VeloDrone: Really? Perhaps I would have enjoyed it after all. As it is, I am wet and I may be catching a cold. Achoo! Which is unfortunate because we are going to be performing in a few minutes.

Belle et Bonne: Candide on Wheels? Oh hurrah! I'll get to do my scene!

The VeloDrone: Yes. I have been talking to the Nothing is Really Difficult Dutchmen. They have agreed to let us use their wooden box.

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