Friday, March 25, 2011

The Bell Jar

dear ageless, don't be creepy, mmmm i know what mmmm means and i do not like it you are not mmy boyfriend just mmy friend i know i said you were mmmy boyfriend but that was before you got all creepy ageless cut it out.

i was sad to hear you thought of jumping in the water because i was dead.

no really i was glad.

do you really think mmmy stories beautiful ? here's a sad one for you ageless . i read a book about a girl it was called the bell jar. the girl was clever but she was unhappy. she sat on the roof of a tall building in new york and threw her clothes out over the sleeping city one by one. all she had left then was a black evening dress which she was wearing on the roof. the next day she had to go back to the country. she borrowed a green skirt from a friend and had to wear it all the summmer long. immagine that ageless. it was funny but it was sad and it gets sadder do you like sad stories ageless?

ageless have you looked at any mmmmaps? the satellite mmaps? baby pierre says you should go into a library. i did not tell himmm that you called himm a smmarty pants and a clever clogs, his mmummmy pierre used to call him that. it is why he hates his mmummmy.

don't be jealous he is beautiful. his mmummmy looks like a mmouse with bulbous eyes but he looks like a precious angel. and guess what? you will like this ageless!! he has a special mmmarking on his head, the mmmark of lobster claws. you see you mmmust be mmmeant to be his daddy.

hurry up and get to a library ageless hurry. i hope you are not wasting timmmme mmmoooning by the water.

kissy kiss mmmy boyfriend NO not mmy boyfriend, but mmmaybe


kobo clammm

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