Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is Vello Bored?

The VeloDrone is bemoaning the fate of his hat.

The VeloDrone: It's ruined. I loved that hat.

Marie: I'm sure we can clean it up.

Belle et Bonne: Yes, I'll buy some Napi-San. That'll fix it.

The VeloDrone: It was an Akha Hilltribe hat. It made me feel like an adventurer. It made me feel like Candide.

Le Bon David: Oh, that's what this is all about, is it? Candide!

The VeloDrone: Yes, the young innocent abroad, exposing life's absurdity. Bus drivers for example. Why did he have to stop the bus?

Marie: He thought you were behaving strangely.

The VeloDrone: It was his fault. He kept staring at me. He should have been looking where he was going. I just gave him something to look at.

Marie: You ate all the blackberries. And then you threw up.

The VeloDrone: I don't like them. Anyway, perhaps I was bored.

Le Bon David: I wouldn't be surprised. When the dickens is our next Fringe show?

Belle et Bonne: Tomorrow night. Dr Professor Neil Portenza at the Tuxedo Cat.

The VeloDrone: Tomorrow!

Belle et Bonne: Well, you wouldn't have been going anywhere tonight, papa, looking like that.

The VeloDrone: Why? What do I look like?

Belle et Bonne ( handing him a mirror) : Your hair is bright red and full of little black pulpy seeds, and your face is stained with blackberry juice where it dripped down under your hat.

The VeloDrone: I look alright, in fact I look quite interesting. And I have an idea. Come on everyone! Get dressed, we're going out tonight after all!

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