Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Long Dissertation Ending With Prawns

The lecture theatre was almost full. It seemed everyone was interested in genomes.

Professor Snyder was an American, from Stanford. He was genial, and chatty. He asked the audience who had had their genome mapped already. A few raised their hands

He then asked who would like to. Another few put up their hands.

And who wouldn't? Another few.

Well, said Professor Snyder. It's not for everyone.

He went on to explain how useful genome mapping could be. He had mapped himself and discovered diabetic tendencies. However he admitted he would not have been so happy to have discovered he was likely to get Huntington's Disease.

We will soon be able to tailor drugs to people according to their individual genomes, said Professor Snyder. We can already do it in the case of certain diseases.

He finished his talk and everyone filed up stairs for refreshments.

Wow! said Belle et Bonne, picking up a glass of wine and a tiny pumpkin and olive tart. Imagine tailoring drugs to individual cases. How much time it would save!

Admirable, agreed The VeloDrone. But I have no wish to have my genome mapped.

It's far too late for us, said Le Bon David.

Nonsense, said Belle et Bonne. History doesn't always repeat itself. I want to get mine done.

Good luck, my dear. I believe it's quite expensive, said The VeloDrone.

No, it's getting cheaper all the time, said a voice. It was Professor Snyder.

Professor Snyder! We were just saying........said Belle et Bonne

I heard you, said Professor Snyder. And would it be too rude to ask why you two gentlemen are not interested in your genomes? I always like to know what people are thinking.

We already know our medical histories, said David. I died in 1776,  aged sixty five, of a stomach related cancer, and my friend here, The VeloDrone, died in 1778, aged eighty four, of......errr....  what did you die of again, Vello?

What do you mean again? said The VeloDrone. You don't know, David. You died two years before me. I died of..... errr.. old age. Yes, that's what it must have been.

Ahem! coughed Professor Snyder.  Perhaps you will excuse me gentlemen. I see someone I must talk to over there.

Belle et Bonne giggled.

He couldn't wait to get away, she said.

I can't think why, said TheVeloDrone.

Perhaps he saw the prawns coming out, said Belle et Bonne.

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