Saturday, March 17, 2012

Ziggi's Candle

Mrs Hume has gone off to the toilet.

Lovely woman, your mother, says Darwin. Nice to see a woman interested in science.

I suppose so, says David. Yes, you're right. No doubt she will enjoy Faraday's Candle.

You don't seem all that keen yourself, observes Darwin.

It isn't that, says David. I was hoping to get Mother home early and then go to the House of Africa. I hear there is some lively dancing there, most nights, by uninhibited ladies.

You know, says Darwin, I've heard the same thing. And I do like a spot of African dancing.What say you and I go there tomorrow night? Ziggi will be playing.

Why not? says David, brightening up. Mother! Here you are.

What's this about Ziggi? says Mrs Hume.

Nothing, Mrs Hume, says Darwin. It's just a nickname.

Your nickname, Mr Darwin? asks Mrs Hume.

No, errr.... Michael Faraday's nickname, says Darwin, inventing something quickly.

David suppresses a giggle with a cough.

David! says Mrs Hume. I hope you're not catching a cold. It's chilly out.

No, Mother, I'm perfectly fine, says David. Now let's be off, or we'll be late for Ziggi's Candle.

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