Monday, October 14, 2019

Colourful But Outrageous

Terence arrives at the Foreshore Market.

So many stalls. So many people. Where is Jinjing?

He wanders past produce stalls selling red tomatoes and orange carrots.

And plant stalls selling green herbs and green plants.

A cake stall, selling golden cakes and preserved peaches.

A junk stall, selling junk out of boxes. And books and old toys.

He thinks he sees Katherine, trying on scarves at a scarf stall.

He hears clapping, and a familiar scratchy parrot voice.

Jinjing! He runs over.

Jinjing is perched on a flower stall, among the flowers, reciting the Song of Jinjing.

I rose through adversity
And flew to the Ash Blue Mountain
This is my story.
Once I had a button
Now I am free
Freedom brings responsibility
I travel with an infant.

....and so on, to the end, and more clapping.

Terence has now reached the flower stall and pushed himself forward.

Is this the infant? asks someone in the crowd.

Squawk! says Jinjing, in surprise.

Katherine comes over to see what is causing the clapping and squawking.

She has bought a new green and black scarf.

One of those fine cotton ones, which are wider than might be expected.

Terence, says Katherine. Are you on your own?

No, says Terence.

He's with the parrot, says the person who asked if Terence was the infant.

Yes, says another person. A very responsible parrot. It's inspiring, their story. With a moral that's relevant today.

What lovely flowers, says Katherine, who does not care for the way this is going.

Thanks! All hand made, beams the stall owner.

Really? says Katherine. Don't tell me.......why yes, they're made out of paper!

They are, says the owner.

Pretty flowers, in bright and pastel colours of yellow, pink, orange, red, purple....

Katherine only buys three.

She would have bought five, but she has already bought the scarf, and the paper flowers are outrageously expensive.

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