Thursday, December 10, 2020

Damn No Gloves

Step away, says Victor.

What is? asks Terence.

What is what? asks Victor.

A step away, says Terence.

I am asking you to step away from that thermometer, says Victor.

This way? asks Terence, stepping backwards.

That way will be fine, says Victor. Now where did that thermometer come from?

The kitchen, says Terence.

Before that, says Victor.

Arthur had it, says Terence.

Aha! Victor makes a note of the statement.

And why are you burying it? asks Victor.

It's an experiment, says Terence. 

A cover-up more likely, says Victor.

Yes, a cover-up, says Terence. You are a smart policeman.

You admit it's a cover-up, says Victor.

You said it was, says Terence. 

So did you, says Victor.

But what is it covering up? asks Terence. Not this thermometer.

There are others? asks Victor, making more notes.

No, says Terence. No more thermometers. 

Victor seizes the trowel that Gaius has left near the burial mound in which the thermometer is sticking.

He removes the thermometer and places it in a plastic bag that he keeps handy for evidence.

Damn, says Victor. No gloves.

What's this? asks Gaius, who has given up on the brown falcon.

I've contaminated the evidence, says Victor.

What was it? asks Gaius.

A thermometer, says Victor.

Terence, did you take that thermometer from the kitchen table? asks Gaius.

Yes, says Terence. For my experiment.

So he claims, says Victor. But he has also admitted it's part of a cover-up.

Ha ha, laughs Gaius. It is. Why don't you start digging.

Victor starts digging. 

Ding! He encounters the mood stone.

He seizes the mood stone, which turns purple.

He is either very sad or very happy.

What have we here! cries Victor, triumphant.

(very happy)

Terence's experiment, says Gaius. Let him explain it. 

Victor keeps digging.

He believes he is about to discover a cache of stolen thermometers.

Any minute....

Swersh! The trowel slices right through dead Baby-Glossy.

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