Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Blue For Cool

Terence has not found a compass.

You could buy one online, says the chemist.

Wah! says Terence. I couldn't.

Not you, a grown up, says the chemist. Ask your dad over there.

Ha ha! laughs Terence. That's not my dad. That's Arthur.

Ask him, says the chemist. Meanwhile, how would you like me to find you a mood stone?

What is it? asks Terence.

It changes colour as your mood changes, says the chemist. Blue for cool, red for angry.

The chemist has no idea really.

Yes, says Terence. Give me a moon stone.

MOOD stone, says the chemist. There should be a few in this basket.

The chemist lets Terence choose his own mood stone.

It's easy because they're all brown.

That's because nobody owns them, says the chemist. But yours will soon get to know you.

Good, says Terence. Then I'll know if I'm COOL.

Arthur stands up. How much do I owe you?

Fifteen dollars, says the chemist. And I'll throw in a digital thermometer. There's not much call for them nowadays.

Thanks, says Arthur. Can I drop by and pay later?

Sure. Pay the chemist, says the chemist.

Funny. Why would the chemist say pay the chemist?

He'll be here soon, says the chemist who may not be a chemist.

Gotta finish the cleaning before he gets here, adds the definitely-not-chemist.

Sure, says Arthur. I thought you were the chemist.

No, I'm the....err....cleaner, says the cleaner.

Arthur and Terence leave with the bandage, the pawpaw ointment, two digital thermometers and a mood stone.

The cleaner leaves shortly after, through a back door.

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