Friday, December 4, 2020

Thermometer Mystery

The kitchen smells of orange and chocolate, with undertones of seaweed.

There is a plate of hairy red sushi, on the table.

Everyone looks at Terence.

Don't worry, I KNOW! says Terence. 

You are a bad un, says Baby Glossy. You have no feelings. Ear is no more.

I do have feelings, says Terence. Brown feelings.

Aw, says Louisa. 

Woa, little buddy, says Sweezus.

Brown means nothing, says Arthur. Not even normal.

What're you talking about? asks Sweezus.

He's got a mood stone, says Arthur. 

Hold out your hand, says Terence.

Sweezus holds out his hand.

Terence places the mood stone on his palm.

It turns pink.

Pink, says Arthur. 

What's pink? asks Terence.

Cool, says Arthur. 

Are you making that up? asks Sweezus. 

No, says Arthur. It's official.

Give it to me! cries Terence.

Sweezus gives Terence the mood stone, which turns brown immediately.

Too slow, says Terence.

Where'd you get that? asks Sweezus.

The chemist, says Arthur. And here's the thermometer.

Yeah, thanks, says Sweezus. We need to talk about that.

I didn't steal it. says Arthur. I said I'd pay for it later, but it turned out I was talking to the cleaner.

Am I to understand you didn't pay? asks Gaius. No wonder Victor has been asking questions.

Yeah, says Sweezus. He knows I told Captain du Couedic I'd replace his thermometer. So he thought it was me.

What was you? asks Arthur.

The burglar, says Sweezus. Whoever it was cleaned out the chemist's entire stock of thermometers.

Lucky I got these before that happened, says Arthur.

These? says Sweezus. I thought you only got ONE.

Two, says Arthur. I'd already got one when the cleaner gave me another one. 

That's clear as mud, says Louisa. Why don't we three go back to Stokes Bay with the sushi, and leave one thermometer here. Gaius can give it to Victor when he comes by.

How am I to explain it? asks Gaius.

Arthur's already explained it, says Louisa. 

Arthur, Sweezus and Louisa are through the door in seconds, with the sushi wrapped in cling wrap, heading for Stokes Bay.

Gaius is left with Terence, Baby Glossy, Saint Roley, in Louisa's kitchen.

This is a time waster, says Gaius. I had hoped to get out and spot birds.

Then let's sit in the garden, says Saint Roley.

Excellent idea, says Gaius.

They go outside and sit on a stone bench under a peppermint gum.

The mood stone and the thermometer remain inside, on the kitchen table.

They soon find they have much in common.

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