Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Irrelevant Cows

Saint Roley flutters down.

How do your friends like the new sushi?

They don't, says Sweezus. But that's because of the paw paw.

You don't say? says Saint Roley. Well, that is a problem.

We know, says Louisa. But we can fix it.

Yeah, says Spogg. If it just had the orange without the paw paw.

And more chocolate, says Reedy.

But not the red hairy seaweed, says Spogg.

Yeah, it'd taste like a Jaffa, says Reedy. I used to love them.

Me too, says Spogg. You can't get them these days.

Saint Roley looks back out to sea.

You know who's out there?

Sweezus and Arthur look too.

Great White Teacher is making a show of himself beyond the break, along with his sidekicks.

He asked me about the sushi, says Saint Roley. I said I'd find out.

Bugger, says Sweezus. Okay, tell him the taste test went well.

Which it didn't, says Reedy. 

Are you going back out? asks Sweezus.

Not if there's sharks, says Reedy.

So tell him, says Sweezus, to Saint Roley.

All right, says Saint Roley.

He flies out to where Great White Teacher is waiting.

What news? asks Great White Teacher.

Sweezus says it went well, says Saint Roley. The tasters made some useful suggestions.

Good, says Great White Teacher. Did they specifically mention my seaweed?

O yes, says Saint Roley. It seems it doesn't have quite the effect on humans that it has on cows.

As in? asks Great White Teacher.

Saint Roley wishes he hadn't mentioned it. But no. He can do this for Sweezus. It won't be a lie.

It reminded them of Jaffas, says Saint Roley. And they used to love Jaffas.

Jaffas, eh? says Great White Teacher. What are they?

Sweets, I think, says Saint Roley.

Ha ha, laughs Great White Teacher. Sweets! So much for cow farts! We're going to make a killing.

Mm, says Saint Roley.

He flies back to let Sweezus know that Great White Teacher expects to make a killing. 

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