Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Who Has Not Yet Become

Terence is playing with his mood stone, which has reverted to brown.

Brown again, is it? says Gaius.

Yes, says Terence. I've lost all my feelings.

I believe it has more to do with temperature, than your feelings, says Gaius. Why don't you try an experiment?

Okay, says Terence. What will it be?

You must think up your own experiment, says Gaius.

Okay, says Terence. Leave it to me.

He goes back into the kitchen and takes the thermometer from the table.

He returns to the garden.

Gaius is squinting at the sky.

Did he just see....or didn't he.... a brown falcon?

Terence goes across to the burial mound, where lies Baby Glossy.

He pokes a hole in the dirt.

Yerk! what's that soft thing?

Must be dead Baby-Glossy, who has not yet become one with the garden.

He shortens the hole, by sprinkling more dirt on dead Baby-Glossy.

He places his mood stone on top of the newly sprinkled dirt.

Then he fills the hole in.

Now he sticks the thermometer into the dirt he has just filled the hole with.

It seems, to Terence, to be an excellent experiment.

He has just finished setting it up when Victor the policeman arrives.

Good morning, Gaius, says Victor. Where is Sweezus?

Gone to Stokes Bay, says Gaius. So has Arthur. But not before they explained to me the entire situation.

So you know Sweezus is a suspect, says Victor.

Sweezus has an alibi. He was here all the time, says Gaius. It was Arthur who....

Arthur isn't a suspect, says Victor.

Perhaps he should be, says Gaius. If you did your job properly, you would know that Arthur went to the chemist this morning and returned with two thermometers, one of which is on the table in the kitchen, for you to recover.

What about the other one? asks Victor.

He plans to pay for it later, says Gaius.

Oh does he? says Victor. Well, he is now a suspect. And it's not just two thermometers that are missing.

So I hear, says Gaius. But Arthur did not take them.

How do you know? asks Victor. You weren't there.

Terence was with him, says Gaius. Ask Terence.

Victor goes over to Terence.

Aha! What have we here?

It appears to Victor, (and who can blame him?), that Terence is attempting to bury the evidence.

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