Saturday, December 12, 2020

Three Spelling Errors

This mood stone, says Victor. You say it came from the chemist?

Yes, says Terence. But he wasn't a chemist.

Never mind that, says Victor. It's evidence. I shall have to seize it.

You already have, says Terence.

I mean officially, says Victor. It's going in this plastic bag with the thermometer.

No gloves? says Gaius.

Too late for gloves, says Victor. I've been holding the mood stone for several minutes. What does it mean when it's green?

Mixed emotions, says Gaius. Which is a bit of a cop out.

Now you're being funny, says Victor.

Not at all... oh....yes....ha ha, laughs Gaius. A cop out. However what I meant was, it's not specified which emotions are mixed.

I should say, at this moment, frustration, exasperation, bamboozlement and calm, says Victor.

Calm? says Gaius. That's a fine one.

Police training, says Victor. Now am I correct in thinking there were two thermometers and Arthur has the other one and that Arthur has gone to Stokes Bay?

Your police training is impeccable, says Gaius. 

Then I shall go to Stokes Bay to interview Arthur, says Victor. 

Can I come? asks Terence.

We'll both come, says Gaius. We've no reason to stay.

Very well, says Victor. Are you ready to leave right away?

Yes, says Terence. No! Can we bring Baby-Glossy?

Certainly not, says Gaius. Especially now he's in two separate pieces.

Just one piece of him? asks Terence.

Jumping Jupiter! says Gaius. Let the poor little chap rest in peace!

Agreed, says Victor. You cover him with dirt while I write a few notes in my notebook.

He writes: Evidence siezed: One themometer, one mood stone of inderterminate colour.

Three spelling errors! Don't blame me. Blame Victor.

Gaius reburies Baby-Glossy.

Terence watches him do it.

I've lost EVERYTHING! says Terence. Baby-Glossy, two Ears, and Peut-ĂȘtre. And even my mood stone.

You may get the stone back, says Victor. If I discover it wasn't stolen, you may request it in writing.

Wah! cries Terence. I can't do writing.

I'll do the writing, says Gaius. And I'm sure Saint Roley will act as your temporary parrot until you find another.

He won't, says Terence.

He will, says Gaius, firmly.

So Terence is happy. Very happy. If he were holding the mood stone, and if he were not made of cement, it would surely turn from green back to purple.

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