Monday, October 31, 2011

Appreciating the Paleoshoreline

They climbed the wooden steps to the cliff path where Margaret pointed to a lookout with a seat.

We'll sit there for a few minutes, she said. I'll point out some of the geological features to you.

Ahuff..ahuff, puffed Le Bon David. Good idea. I could do with a seat.

Here you see something of the late Precambrian Marinoan sequence, said Margaret. Due to strongly fluctuating sea levels we see silt depositions and thin sandstone intervals along the paleoshoreline....

What's that? asked The VeloDrone.

Excuse me? said Margaret sharply. Don't you know?

No, we are not geologists, said The VeloDrone. Are you talking about those rocks down there?

Yes, said Le Bon David. Are you? Because they just look like small dull-coloured irregular rocks of no particular interest....

Shame on you, said Margaret. You must be looking at the wrong rocks!

I prefer to look at the sea, said Le Bon David. The way it heaves and swells, how it glitters and sparkles, and changes colour with the passing clouds.

David, said The VeloDrone, I have never known you to appreciate the sea.

You've never known me to have so little else to appreciate, said Le Bon David. At least at Port Elliot we saw whales. And then, there were those delicious pies....

Pies! snapped Margaret. You'll get pies! But first I'm determined to get you excited about our coastal landscape! Come on, get up! We're going down to see the Contemplation.

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