Sunday, October 2, 2011


We however are not interested in whale-watching. We want to know what has happened to Sweezus. Let's follow him.

Sweezus had not disappeared. He had merely ridden off quickly. He is now well out of Victor Harbor, cycling past the Urimbirra Wildlife Sanctuary. He is thinking about his brilliant escape, but he is not entirely happy.

It's good I've escaped, thinks Sweezus, but I've left Gaius in the back of a police car accused of a crime he didn't commit.

On the other hand, I've achieved my goal. I'm a full-on Nihilist Bicyclist. I'll start composing my article for Belle et Bonne and Marie.

And he began composing the article in his head:

The sunlight flickered through the trees at the side of the road. The Nihilist Bicyclist rode steadfastly on. He had left his friend in the back of a police car and escaped.

(That's a good beginning, thought Sweezus. Weather, atmosphere, a situation. Now for some philosophy.)

He had no feelings of guilt about what he had done. His friend had admitted to the crime as a joke. Or in annoyance. Whatever.

(I'd better give him a name, thought Sweezus. Not Gaius....ummm..I know, Nunghausen. Cool! What a name!)

And then he, the Nihilist Bicyclist....

(I'd better give him a name as well, thought Sweezus. Not Sweezus...ummm... yes, Mephisto, that'll do. That's brilliant! Now where was I? ).

Now where was I?

Oh no! Has Sweezus lost the plot?

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