Wednesday, October 12, 2011


An unexpectedly good story, Gaius! said The VeloDrone.

Unexpectedly? said Gaius, looking miffed.

Yes, agreed Le Bon David. Pity there wasn't a bicycle in it. You could have worked that up into something for Velosophy.

Thank you, said Gaius. But I do have an idea.

Go on, said The VeloDrone.

I am thinking of taking up where Sweezus left off, said Gaius. Now that he, or at least Mephisto, is back in the clink.

Not yet, said Victor, but he will be.

Exactly, said Gaius. I shall put my mind to rescuing him.

That's wonderful, Gaius, said Belle et Bonne. But I wouldn't say any more in front of Victor.

Ahem! Of course not, said Gaius. Ignore that, Victor. It's only a story.

No it isn't, said Victor. If I wasn't off duty I'd be after him right now. Look at him out there, getting closer and closer to the whales.

Oh gosh! said Belle et Bonne.


Sweezus stopped swimming and came up for air. He was surprised to see that he was dangerously close to the whales.

Far out! said Sweezus, out loud. Don't eat me you guys!

Pop! said one of the whales.

Pop! Pop! Belch! said the other.

This can be roughly translated as :

This idiot thinks we eat humans, said one of the whales.

Let's give him the fright of his life! said the other.

They each turned a baleful eye towards Sweezus.

Ughh! Ugly! said Sweezus, under his breath.

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