Thursday, October 13, 2011

Speaking in Whale

Yes, the whales did look ugly, to an outsider. They had hard white callosities on their heads, and their mouths curled up way past their eyes.

Pop! said the first one.

Groan! said the second.

Belch! said the first.

Sweezus was pretty good at languages. It didn't take long for him to figure out that the whales had a vocabulary of only three words, and the meaning was all in the tone. He soon understood what they were saying. They, for their part, had a good ear for English.

Pop! said Sweezus. Belch!

Groan! said the first whale.

The other one smiled, which lowered his eyes even further.

(Perhaps you have not have picked up whale language as quickly as Sweezus. For your benefit I shall continue to translate into English. Remember however that all parties are speaking in Whale.)

I'm sorry, said Sweezus, for saying you were ugly. It was the sight of your big white callosities.

They're not white, said the first whale. They are grey. They only look white because they are covered with whale lice.

How unpleasant, said Sweezus politely ( lowering the tone of his Belch ).

Oh, not really, said the first one. We enjoy scratching one another's callosities. I see you have a small one yourself.

I do? said Sweezus, surprised ( a rising Pop! ) Oh you mean this scab!

Is that what you call it? said the first whale. A scab! What is it for?

It's not supposed to be there, said Sweezus. I was swooped by some birds, in a field. I bled, and now I've got a scab. It'll drop off soon I hope.

Birds! said the second whale. Don't talk to us about birds! Always squawking and stealing our fish.

I thought you mainly ate zooplankton? said Sweezus.

Yes, but we sometimes feed opportunistically, said the second whale.

Sweezus decided to let that one go.

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