Saturday, October 8, 2011


But Belle et Bonne was less than pleased with his composition.

Sweezus! she exclaimed. How can you do that to a poor little penguin?

I'm not DOING it, said Sweezus. I'm just writing it.

It amounts to the same thing, said Belle et Bonne. It's too shocking. I believe it's your injured head talking.

Don't remind me, said Sweezus. It still hurts. I hate birds.

Exactly, said Belle et Bonne. Let's see what papa and Uncle David think.

Sweezus recounted the story to The VeloDrone and Le Bon David.

Bravo! said The VeloDrone. I like it. Hee hee! Hitting the penguin on the head with a hammer. Now I see why you called yourself Mephisto. What's next?

Next, said Le Bon David, Mephisto will find that he has a problem.

Yes, said Belle et Bonne. He's committed a dreadful crime.

Apart from that, said Le Bon David. How is he going to get the dead penguin into a pie? Is he a pastry cook?

I was just.... I mean Mephisto was just going to smear the inside of the bag with penguin blood, said Sweezus.

No good, said Le Bon David. The penguin has to be cooked.

Alright, said Sweezus. He'll light a camp fire and cook it. No worries. As for the pastry, there are already pastry flakes in the brown paper bag from the pie he ate earlier.

Sweezus, said Belle et Bonne. That's so devious. I don't know you!

Belle et Bonne, said Sweezus. It's not ME!

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