Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Name's Margaret.

It was the day of the Field Geologists picnic. They met in the city and all piled onto the hired bus. Gaius sat next to the president. The VeloDrone and Le Bon David sat behind them.

Where are we going again? asked The VeloDrone.

Who knows? said Le Bon David, glumly. Somewhere rocky, no doubt.

He tapped Gaius on the shoulder.

Where are we going? he asked.

Marino Rocks, said Gaius. A fascinating geological site. Isn't that right? he nudged the president.

Oh yes, said the president. Very fascinating. Of course we've all been there before. Many times. Today is really all about having fun.

Gaius frowned.

Fun? said The VeloDrone. That sounds more like it. What sort of fun?

Well, said the president, we'll be looking for the spot where you can stand with one foot in the Permian and one in the Pre-Cambrian.

Oh, said The VeloDrone. Super!


They arrived at Marino Rocks. Everyone got out of the bus. The Field Geologists adjusted their backpacks, put on their hats and prepared to spread out. The beach was very rocky, and there was nowhere to sit down.

There's nowhere to sit down! protested Le Bon David.

You aren't supposed to sit down, said Gaius. Look at all this wonderful geology! What a spectacle! Go and spread out, like the others.

I thought it was a picnic, said Le Bon David. I'm feeling rather peckish already.

Well, eat your own picnic now, said Gaius crossly.

My own picnic, said Le Bon David. I thought I was a guest at this thing!

You are, said Gaius, but if you didn't pre-order a chicken, you had to bring your own food.

Wonderful, said Le Bon David. I haven't pre-ordered a chicken and neither has Vello. What shall we do?

I don't know, said Gaius. If it was me, I'd do without.

You invited us, said Le Bon David. Why don't you do without, and give us your chicken.

I'll share my chicken with you, said Gaius, but the picnic isn't till later.

I say, said a lady Field Geologist. I couldn't help overhearing. If you want to buy something to eat, take the cliff walk back to the caravan park at Kingston. It's that way, she added, pointing north. I'll come with you. By the way, my name's Margaret.

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