Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Greek Philosopher Whales

Of course I've heard of beaching, said Sweezus. But I didn't know you whales were nihilists.

We're not, said the first whale. We baleen whales don't tend to believe in it. You'll find it's mainly toothed whales that go in for beaching.

That's interesting, said Sweezus. I've often thought that teeth can act as triggers for depair.

I don't believe it's quite that simple, said the second whale. But there may be something in it. When you don't have teeth you can't know such things.

The ancient Greek whales had many debates on the subject, said the first whale. Gorgias was of the opinion that nothing really exists, while Pyrrho held that everything in nature was equally indifferent. The debate centred around whether one ought to go on living, if that was the case.

And what do you think? asked Sweezus.

We believe that death comes to us all, without us having to go out and seek it, said the second whale. We may as well enjoy life while we can.

Yes, life is good, said the first whale.

But not that good, added the second.

Sweezus was impressed with the wisdom of the whales. But his feet and hands were wrinkling and he knew it was time to go.

Well, he said it's been awesome talking to you, and heaps informative. I never knew that Gorgias and Pyrrho were Greek whales. But I've got to go. I can't see my friends. I think they might've left without me.

There's always someone up there on those cliffs, said the first whale. Surfers,or whale-watchers. You can ask them where your friends have gone.

Yeah, thanks, said Sweezus. And he turned to swim back to the shore.

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