Friday, October 7, 2011

The Hammer

Sweezus's mind was on fire. He rode towards Victor Harbor in front of the others composing the story in his head:

Mephisto arrived at the lockup and made some enquiries. He learned that Nunghausen hadn't been charged due to the disappearance of the evidence.

Mephisto felt cheated. He'd been planning to rescue his friend and now he couldn't. He had a sudden inspiration.

If Nunghausen had been released because the evidence was mislaid, the evidence must be found! And what had the evidence been? It had been the brown paper pie bag, smeared with incriminating minced penguin meat. Mephisto had only to produce it, and Nunghausen would be back in the lockup. THEN, he would need to be rescued.

As evening drew in, Mephisto rode his bicycle out to the island and purchased a normal meat pie, which he ate. He folded the brown paper pie bag and stuffed it into his pocket.

Later, under cover of darkness, he climbed the steps, stationed himself in front of a penguin burrow, and waited. In his other pocket, was a hammer.

Tweet! Tweet! A baby penguin came out.

Mephisto whacked it on the head with his hammer.

Waaark! went the baby penguin. It would be the last thing it said.

YES! said Sweezus. This rocks! I can't wait to tell Belle et Bonne.

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